The meaning of sustainability to wildlife? When it comes to wildlife, sustainability requires a stable population of various species over the duration of many years. Sustainable Wildlife Management is a major international initiative that aims to improve wildlife conservation and food security.
One of the themes we do have is seeking for a strategic plan for Wildlife Conservation Management that can be applied from ecotourism concept. Wildlife Conservation Management knowledge The science of wildlife management globally continues to evolve and the definition of sustainable—which at one time pertained to yield management in terms of optimal sustainable harvest, based on population recruitment of a particular species, namely a game animal—today holds other import. What does sustainability mean to wildlife? When it comes to wildlife, sustainability requires a stable population of various species over the duration of many years.
SWUIC-HTM Ecotourism has developed innovative, collaborative and scalable new approaches to conserve wild animals and protect ecosystems, whilst at the same time improving the livelihoods of indigenous peoples and rural communities who depend on these resources.
Advocates of animal conservation and wildlife preservation have developed programs to incentivize ecotourism as a source of income over poaching. These ecotourism examples focus on building a local economy designed around supporting travelers who want to see and learn about the local wildlife. According to the Global Ecotourism Network, Ecotourism is defined as “responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment, sustains the well-being of the local people, and creates knowledge and understanding through interpretation and education of all involved”.